External link
  • A new tab opens with CultBooking link(when clicking on Book Now)
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • 100% recommended and supported integration
  • Easy and fast to install
Java Script
  • User remains on the hotel’s URL address (no redirection)
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • 100% recommended and supported integration
  • Medium level development expertise needed
Internet Explorer browser tips for CultBooking

22 Jul 2019 (updated 10 Sep 2019)

One colleague identified a problem when trying to book a room with CultBooking on Internet Explorer. It was strange to hear that somebody still uses Explorer in 2019, she has this browser as default setting.

Therefore, she is testing applications and uses Internat Explorer to browse and search the web.

I checked the version of Internet Explorer that I am using and realized I have version 10.0.140 from 2012. Did I read 2012? yes. But we are in 2019.

Developers have been informed and after analyzing the situation, they replied:

IE doesn’t support by default TLS 1.2 (serious security concern)

Generally I would strongly discourage use of Internet Explorer 10 as it doesn’t support by default TLS 1.2 (serious security concern)’

IE is not compatible with latest versions of javascript

‘Has numerous quirks in rendering pages and is not compatible with latest versions of javascript.

My recommendation will be to officially not support it as many companies do today.’

IE is out of life for Windows XP and 7

It’s already out of life for Windows XP and 7.

(IE) 10 will reach end of support on January 31, 20

‘Internet Explorer (IE) 10 will reach end of support on January 31, 2020. From this point forward, IE 11 will be the only supported version of Internet Explorer on Windows Server 2012 and Windows Embedded 8 Standard. Microsoft urges users to migrate to 11 or Edge.’


Here are some references and sources giving advice regarding Internet Explorer:

‘ Why You Should Stop Supporting IE10, IE9 and IE8’

‘Support ending for Internet Explorer 10 (published: January 28, 2019)’


As conclusion, we tottaly discourange the usage of Internat Explorer, any available version: 8, 10 or 11. Edge browser is in Beta Testing and I also tested it and the booking engine technology works good on Edge. So this can be al alternative.

Please use the main stream browsers as Mozilla Firefoz, Google Chrome, Opera or Safari. For these browsers, we do provide ongoing support. CultBooking technology is perfectly optimized and ongoingly tested.

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