External link
  • A new tab opens with CultBooking link(when clicking on Book Now)
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • 100% recommended and supported integration
  • Easy and fast to install
Java Script
  • User remains on the hotel’s URL address (no redirection)
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • 100% recommended and supported integration
  • Medium level development expertise needed
Vue Vs React: Which is the better Front-end JS Framework?

Are you having difficulty choosing Vue and React as your front-end JS framework? You have certainly landed on the right page.

React and Vue share many fundamental principles but vary in their implementation approaches. Both embrace the component model for modular interface building, favor declarative programming styles over imperative code, and aim to facilitate the rapid development of scalable single-page apps (SPAs).

However, they differ in aspects like learning curve, performance, core functionality, and flexibility. React takes a stricter top-down approach, while Vue strives for greater progressive enhancement. Understanding where each framework excels can help developers make informed choices aligned with requirements.

Let’s explore the architectures and feature sets of React and Vue to gain a comprehensive perspective for comparing the two. We’ll look at areas like components, views, routing, state management, and more to uncover their strengths and trade-offs.


Components form the backbone of building user interfaces in both frameworks. React uses plain components that focus solely on rendering without any lifecycle awareness. Vue offers both plain and reactive components with built-in lifecycle hooks to handle state changes.

React follows a uni-directional data flow where data and state are passed down as properties through the component tree from parent to child components. Communication flows via callbacks instead of reverse-data flow. Conversely, Vue allows bidirectional binding so child components can provide data back to parents or siblings.

Both React and Vue components can be composed of reusable nested components. However, React is stricter and requires consistency in prop types whereas Vue allows dynamic component registration and props to be any data type.


For rendering views, React uses a virtual DOM while Vue has a simpler template syntax. The virtual DOM in React handles updates more efficiently but requires additional processing steps compared to Vue’s template renderer.

Vue uses templates to define the UI of a component. Templates are written with regular HTML extended with directives. React views are defined via render() methods returning JSX expressions mixing markup with logic.

Some key differences are:

  • Vue templates offer greater separation of concerns than JSX.
  • React’s JSX compiles to calls whereas Vue is compiled prior to calls.
  • Vue templates support whitespace formatting, while React doesn’t.
  • React’s virtual DOM handles updates centrally while Vue re-renders changed components only.


For single-page app navigation, Vue comes with vue-router out of the box while React requires installing a third-party routing library like React Router.

Vue Router’s API resembles native routing with components while React Router focuses path matching like typical server routing. Both support nested routes, lazy loading, guards and other features, but Vue Router enables features like named routes and param passing more naturally.

State Management

Managing application state can vary more between React and Vue. React’s core focuses on component composition without built-in state logic, requiring third-party solutions. Vue ships with robust state handling via reactivity system and provides tools to build custom solutions.

Some key state management comparisons include:

  • Vuex is a state management pattern and library for Vue applications, similar to how Redux works with React. However, Vuex integrates more seamlessly with Vue and has a simpler API than Redux.
  • Vue’s reactivity helps build advanced custom managers easily.
  • React relies on Context API, useReducer and useState hooks that require extra code.
  • Vue reactivity tracks dependencies automatically, React updates need ForceUpdate.
  • Vue’s MVVM approach feels more natural for building interfaces.


Form handling in React uses controlled components that require more boilerplate compared to Vue’s reactive bindings.

For forms specifically:

  • Vue enables two-way binding between inputs and data out of box.
  • React controlled components require an onChange handler on every input.
  • Uncontrolled React forms simplify coding but lose synchronization.
  • Vue supports features like select options binding natively.


For testing, some differences include:

  • Vue supports Snapshot testing out of box while React requires third-party utilities.
  • Shallow/full rendering makes React testing easier to control at component level.
  • Vue’s DOM-driven approach complicates mocking and spying for isolation.
  • React ecosystem has many testing utilities integrated into core like React Testing Library.


In general:

  • Vue is initially faster but React may scale better to large apps with its virtual DOM batching.
  • When data changes in Vue, only the DOM elements related to changed data will re-render and update. React always fully re-renders the entire UI on any change.
  • Coding changes in React trigger full re-renders.
  • Vue tree caching improves re-render efficiency over React’s re-examining all components.

Other Factors

Some other considerations include:

  • React pioneered JS framework space and has a larger ecosystem of libraries, tools, jobs, etc.
  • Vue is small (20kb) with minimal APIs to learn compared to React’s complexities.
  • Angular has more features than Vue but adds greater overhead; React is leaner.
  • Vue feels more natural to template-based languages like PHP while React is used more in .NET world.
  • Vue has better documentation than React, particularly for beginners.


Although both have a component model and scale well, React leans toward complex enterprise-level features while Vue emphasizes progressivity.

  • React encourages strict data flow for scalability at the cost of simplicity.
  • Vue allows dynamically rendering components for greater flexibility.
  • React ecosystem includes Relay, GraphQL for strongly typed data requirements.
  • Vue favors convention over configuration for approachability.

Learning Curve

Vue is generally considered easier to pick up than React due to its simpler API and lack of JSX syntax.

  • Vue templates make basic rendering more intuitive than React’s components model.
  • Vue documentation caters to beginners better than React’s complexities.
  • React forces learning extra technologies like JSX, Hooks, etc.
  • React apps take more investment to start than Vue’s conventions.


  • React is backed by Facebook and has large community/jobs so may have greater longevity.
  • Vue also has active development, large community and increasing number of jobs.
  • Popular framework libraries like Gatsby have matured while working atop React for some time. Framework options for Vue are still rapidly evolving as new libraries appear and gain traction within the ecosystem.
  • Vue’s small API means less to re-learn in future major versions potentially.

All In All

Both React and Vue are excellent options for building modern interface-driven applications. React emphasizes complexity and performance at scale for large organizations. Vue’s approachability, flexibility and use of declarative templates makes it well-suited for a wider range of projects from personal to enterprise. You can hire Vue.JS developers for your complete cutting edge web development solutions.

For beginners, non-critical prototypes and smaller production apps, Vue offers a gentler learning curve and productive development out of the box. React may become preferable for very large or mission-critical projects needing its latest features and battle-tested optimizations. Overall, both deliver but their best fits depend on individual needs. Evaluating key priorities helps determine whether React or Vue represents a wiser choice.

Final Thoughts

So, React and Vue demonstrate comparable functionality with tradeoffs in areas like simplicity, flexibility, transparency and scaling. For most developers and products, choosing Vue means faster time to market, lower maintenance overheads and room to expand capabilities gradually as requirements evolve. React prioritizes extensibility and longevity for the largest or most demanding web applications. Good luck!

Author’s Bio :

Harikrishna Kundariya, a marketer, developer, IoT, ChatBot & Blockchain savvy, designer, co-founder, Director of eSparkBiz Technologies. His 12+ years of experience enables him to provide digital solutions to new start-ups based on IoT and SaaS applications.