External link
  • A new tab opens with CultBooking link(when clicking on Book Now)
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • 100% recommended and supported integration
  • Easy and fast to install
Java Script
  • User remains on the hotel’s URL address (no redirection)
  • Fully responsive and mobile optimized
  • 100% recommended and supported integration
  • Medium level development expertise needed
CultBooking | Live Chat Tool for Hotel Website and Booking Engine

Why Live Chat Tool is Essential on Your Hotel Website and Booking Engine

A live chat tool is a software offering the possibility to connect your website users instantly with one of your employees or yourself. Adopting a new service for your business can be a complicated decision. However, this article gives you some of the advantages to help you decide if this tool might be right for you and your hotel.

Contact your hotel with one click

Nowadays, most of your customers use social media platforms, and they expect everything to be as reactive as WhatsApp or Snapchat. A live chat offers fast reactivity to your online presence. The chat is easily accessible to your clients via a button conveniently located around your website pages. For example, on the information page and your booking engine page. One-click allows your clients to communicate with your hotel instantly.

Availability can make the difference

Your clients love to know that someone is always available to answer them. They don’t like to send emails; they know that it usually takes ages to receive an answer, and the answer is often unclear or incomplete. A phone call is always an option but not practical, especially with customers from foreign countries who don’t want to pay international rates.

You can communicate with your clients in their languages

Often in the travel industry, language is a barrier, and many misunderstandings can happen, which results in lower customer satisfaction. Most of the live chat software on the market offers an integrated translator, allowing you to communicate with your customers in their languages. The information they receive is more natural and more understandable for them.

A live chat tool increase the online bookings of your hotel

A small precision or a question quickly answered can often make a difference in the decision to book a room in your hotel. The needs of every customer are different, and a website rarely covers them all. Studies show that 62% of customers are inclined to purchase products online if live support is available. And 48% of online shoppers will abandon a purchase if they can’t get answers to their questions promptly.


There is another matter that social media brings in consumers’ habits. If you don’t address their dissatisfactions quickly, they might write negative reviews on a specialized website like TripAdvisor or Google. Those reviews can severely hurt your hotel reputation. The live chat provides you and your customers a discreet and convenient way to approach complaints and resolve the issues quickly and satisfactorily. A promptly addressed matter can often change a negative review in a positive one.

Is live chat tool for you? Try it

There are plenty of live chat services available on the market. You can easily find one which fits your business needs and your budget. The best way to know if it can be useful for your hotel and your customer satisfaction is to try it for yourself. Many live chat businesses offer the first month for free or the basic version of the product totally for free with some limited functions.

CultBooking website also has a chat tool that the team is enjoying. There are various conversations happening on the chat tool from the website on weekly basis. Is nice to see this dynamic and how well accepted is this technology by the users.
